While many android apps exist on this platform, I have noticed that many so called app's made for android do not properly support chromebook. With Linux and chromebook operating side by side, unless one has the know how and skill, plus time to do so, a chromebook will stay just a tablet with a keyboard lacking in internal function, such as mines. Will there ever be plans for adding a section optimized to make the control scheme of certain aspect ratio adjustable android games work with keyboard and mouse functionality? It seems to be the lowkey problem that people dodge either because they own a newer one already and fuck anyone else, understandable, but also, theres a literal whole community that comes back to this place and supports it and a few of its own for what it is, will there be a bigger push for chromebook over linux sometime soon considering that windows PC already has a vast, nearly endless library of compatible games. People seem oddly fixated on linux because its a name of status I suppose.