Suddenly thrust into taking over ownership of the shop, as you learn the craft of watch repair you'll deepen your relationship with the customers and people of the arcade.
Hello! This is a short visual novel made for A Game By Its Cover 2023 inspired by this year's Famicase entry number 1 by Paul O'Leary McCann! The story is set in an old Japanese neighborhood that is about to be renovated, while working in the watch repair shop you'll get to know more about the area mysteries and get to know its inhabitants. At the end of the day you also get to browse the alternative internet of this alternative universe: SATNET, filled with articles and news.
- Get to know the strange but loving customers of your watch repair shop while exploring the area and investigating local legends!
- Short linear story with 10k words, can be finished in about 1 hour.
- The first visual novel with an high-score! Get AP points for completing quests or examining things!
- Browse SATNET, the fictional internet of the game! (more articles coming soon!)
- Cute animals characters portraits by Daizo
- Original music by me! OST will be available soon on bandcamp
- 14 page instruction manual with lore and characters info included (made with Electric Zine Maker). Print it and fold it, you just need a sheet of paper, a b/w printer and scissors!