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Whitechapel Occult Society Announcement

A topic by Death Cap Stories created Aug 02, 2023 Views: 101
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Release Date: Oct 31st - Mark Your Calendars!

Save the date, for on October 31st, a world shrouded Intrigue and Violence will unfold before your very eyes. Step into the gaslit alleys and fog-drenched corners of Victorian London, where secrets and supernatural terrors await.

Exclusive Playtest: Be Among the First!

Secure your spot in the exclusive initial playtest, available only until Oct 31st. As a valued early supporter, you will have the unique opportunity to shape the game's destiny and offer vital feedback that will enhance this immersive experience. By joining the playtest as an early supporter you will also gain a special discounted price for the full release.

Official Release Features
  • Meticulously crafted setting material and tools to run your own chilling mystery game with ease.
  • Rules for crafting  your very own investigator with distinct specialties.
  • Lightweight and intuitive investigation and combat systems.
  • Terrifying monsters that will test your courage. 
  • The dedication of two small creators.
Join the Whitechapel Occult Society

Your destiny awaits in the fog-laden alleys of London. Embrace the enigma, solve the riddles, and illuminate the darkness that envelopes all.