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a little engine for little games, worlds, and stories · By adam le doux

game title appears after dialog, dialog choices and more questions

A topic by p3s-3481 created Jul 29, 2023 Views: 115
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(1 edit)

hi everyone! i am new to bitsy and i have a few questions to ask. 

#1 can i have a game title appearing triggered by dialog? so i basically want to start the game with scene and only then have a game title to appear. if so, how can i make it?

#2 what is the maximum amount of exits from one room? 

#3 if i use long dialog + dialog choices, can i make this choices work as a consequences? so, player talks to npc, npc tells the info and only then it appears in choices. 

#how many choices can i maximum make using long dialog + dialog choices? 

thanks for reading ^_^