Heyo guys! I'm reaching out here because, I really struggle with getting any attention from this website for my assets, despite really honestly trying my hardest. My only attention I get is brought from my Twitter account, which is at 12.3k followers at the moment, but of course, most of those people aren't super interested in making games.
Itch is a place for indie devs to make, share, and provide assets and tools for making games, so in my opinion here, being popular here would be much, much better than being so on twitter //^^
I'm starting to think my theme is throwing a lot of people off, or maybe, monster tamer games aren't super popular? Or maybe, the "Dokimon" banner is confusing people?
"Dokimon" is the name of an open-source, open-asset game I'm working on, and also the name of this asset set I've been working on. However, despite the fact I'll be using these assets in a game in the near future, the assets are available for anyone to use in any game
I've really been struggling with this for a long time. I love this community and I want to grow along with it, but I just feel like I'm missing something. Would love to here everyone's thoughts on this.