Spending quite a bit of time answering questions and replies, one thing that as been on my mind lately, is the difference between various types of replies and their colors. On one side, there's a reply(red Link toward the thread, grey link toward the message), an as for new topic(red link toward the forum, grey link toward the thread).
I would use this instead. Red is what, grey is where. I personally never use the View Post button, since it doesn't really show it in context, I'd rather have the red reply link send me to the reply through a html hash. But if that View Post feature is important, maybe something like "leafo posted a reply in your topic Display Updated date", woul allow for both.
Thanks again for building such a nice place, I give a lot of feedback and bug requests, but it's out of love for this site, which I only ever want to make better. Have a nice day :)