GameTranslate is now released as an early-access tool!
I've worked on this in-game language translator on and off for the past 10 months and I'm happy to announce that I have a build ready that works well enough for it to be useful to many people out there.
What's so special about this translator?
As far as I am aware, any other translator out there that is aimed to work with games only does so in windowed mode or borderless fullscreen. Meaning that those applications run outside of the game itself.
GameTranslate puts you right inside the game that you wish to translate in, letting you 'pause' the cursor so you can even translate tooltips that come up when you hover something. And it does so locally, completely offline.
Currently, GameTranslate has 27 language models and more coming in the future.
For more information, hit up the FAQ (being updated frequently) or ask me questions here or on the GameTranslate forum.
Please do give the demo a try, and if you know any friends struggling to play English games or anyone else wanting to play games and learn languages at the same time, let them know!
På återseende,