Hi everyone I’m working on this game, I’ve got this idea some years ago and stated working a a month ago.
I’m a gamedev and 3D design teacher, and I using this project to produce some material for my students as well.
At the moment it has the first stage and the main mechanics, has some performance bugs, that I’m working on. But it’s first playable version, with menus and translated to english, portuguese, and spanish.
The summary of the story:
In ‘Indigno’ you personify a set of characters, with a common goal, to cause damage to an unjust system of government, each with their individual motive, which always involves some extremely violent oppression coming from society and the government in question.
This society is sustained by 3 pillars, the governmental pillar, the religious pillar, and the market pillar, in short it would be a theoretical model of society, Theocratic-Anarcho-Capitalist.
In this society all judicial and private force, and its laws are defined on a religious basis, thus being divergent minorities are severely oppressed, and the law only has effectiveness for the poor, since all crimes have bail in a value that only the highest caste rich society can afford.
When suffering state violence, the characters are visited, mentally, by an entity, which gives them the opportunity to remain alive for a little longer, and also inserts them into a specimen of collective consciousness, which moves them towards a objective, which according to the entity, would not be to overthrow the government, but would be to start the movement so that this can happen in the future.