Hello community!
I apologize in advance if I got this all wrong. I made sure to read everything I could before asking, though.
So, I was reading the "Getting Indexed" document and it seems there is no way to get your content reviewed before making it public. Is that correct? When I searched the topics about this issue, all I could find was creators frustrated because they have to wait anything between a day and a month in order to get indexed.
Personally, I wouldn't mind waiting a long time for content review if I at least had the option to not publish the project until it was approved. In fact, that's how I expected it to be in the first place. That way, you can still choose a release date without being worried about becoming essentially invisible for the first few days (which are the most important).
And just to get something that I saw mentioned in another topic out of the way: I understand you can get around the wait once you have already published something, what I'm asking if there is a way to change the order of the actions from Publish->Approval->Indexing to Ask for Approval->Set a Release Date->Publish + Indexing.