I downloaded the game, but my pc says that there isn't a path to follow......What do i do?
i downloaded the installer version, and it worked. exept for the fact that i can't run the gameboy version. there are two folders, a nes and a gameboy. I tried the nes first and it worked, but when i tried the game boy, it tried to load, but it said that the file already existed in another place. Do you think that it's cause they both have the same name?
Ok that's fine. I used it to get a moon too haha. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of it. Also thanks for the programming tutorial that you gave me on youtube. I didn't get that far though, because it just went a bit too slow. I'm not sure which language it was, but i want to learn Python. What do you code in? Also..are you working on new kingdoms, or is it just supposed to be a demo? keep up the good work, gonna go play your other games now :)
Ps: thanks for inspiring me..thanks a lot
No problem! Take it as slow as you need, programming is super confusing when you first try it. That tutorial was javascript! I wouldn't try python myself, it's not really suitable for games.
I use C# (C sharp) myself, with Monogame. Monogame is a library that gives you all the tools for drawing, handeling input and all that stuff.
This game was made for a gamejam, which is now over. I'm working on improving the engine now for my next game, when it's done I might add some new stuff to this game :) Will be a while though, making an engine is a lot of work!