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[Unity] [Programmer] [Level Designer] I'm mostly looking for a paying job. :3

A topic by KATTXNNA created Jun 12, 2023 Views: 103
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I am a 16 year old game developer looking for a job in game development.  I can do for free if you have a low budget, but if you are going to pay me, I want to make at minimum $15/an hour for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. (That's about $45 a day, $225 a week, $900 a month, and $11,700 a year). I have 4 years of game development experience and my most recent game made was a simulation based off of Conway's Game Of Life. I am currently working on a game myself called "The Quest Of Xavier || Spirit Of Passion", and I've made some decent progress on the game. You can find me on Instagram (@kattxnna), on Discord (KATTXNNA#5187), or you can email me ( I can't wait to work with you! :D