what is the title of the current Demon King.
I assume they're referring to the full Legs of Sloth curse where MP drains with each step if Willpower = 0.
You can check what passive effects Aura has by going to Skills. Status (de)buffs and their descriptions are variously listed under Special, Curses, and Perversions depending on the source/type of (de)buff.
How did he destroy the force field correctly and how did he defeat Belphegor? Because I assume that since you say that the full curse can be avoided is why I will inevitably have it, and if you tell me that I have to defeat Belphegor when it is still incomplete is why in that period I can get rid of it, Please answer my questions If you do not mind .Sorry to reply after so many days but I'm not very active on this account. First of all, Thanks