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My First Game - No Title Yet

A topic by UchronianGameDev created Jun 01, 2023 Views: 100
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(4 edits)

Hi there, everybody. I'm a first time game developer who joined a while ago, and finally started working on my own games recently. 

This is the first game I've ever been able to really work on, and it's basically a fairly simple top down shooter that was inspired by a number of games, and I was kinda sorta going for a vague futuristic-esque type of setting. I intend to have at least 50 levels or so when I'm done with development, along with a bunch of various types of enemies to take down and weapons one can use. Right now, though, apart from the fact I can't think of a name for this project yet, I also only have one enemy, and only one weapon for players to use. The photo below is very much in early stages(yes, I'll admit most of these assets are placeholders, though the tiles are not mine, and were part of a package that I downloaded for free from, but it'll hopefully give you a basic idea of where I'm going with this, at least in terms of gameplay, as well as the setting.