I use Butler to upload my game builds to itch, and it's worked out pretty well for me when it comes to updating them with version numbers that I use across platforms like itch and Steam. That said, I've been attempting to use it to upload some bonus content (a soundtrack + art pack) which I don't plan to patch with updates, and want to leave on the store page without a displayed version number.
If you upload files with a browser, it will not use a version number, but if I upload with Butler instead (in this case, I can't use the browser upload because the file is slightly larger than 1GB), it will always use a version number, and make that version number visible on the game's page. In this case, it's adding "Version 1" automatically to my art pack, and I can't hide that from my game page even though it is wholly unnecessary.
Is there a way to upload with Butler, but have an unspecified version number, like how files are when uploaded from a browser?