Redacted updates are finally here!
The game has undergone major improvements including a UI overhaul, fully functional gamepad compatibility, and improved armoury. There are new enemies to watch out for, such as the Guardian, Bladebot, and Destroyer. The game also has a critical hit feature that rewards double damage upon hitting enemies' weak spots. Scraps have been updated, with four tiers of unique colors, values, and drop chances. You can also enjoy the new mission, Mission 1, and a new gadget, the Dash. The game now has a complete gameloop, letting you choose a level to play, gather scraps, defeat bots, and upgrade your gear. Try out the new weapon, the Sunbreaker, that lets you charge up a miniature sun, launching a slow-moving projectile that can fire off homing solar flares towards nearby enemies. The game also has bug fixes and improved features for a better experience. Try it out now!