Update. For those who might have this problem, it is actually quite simple. It really is the Lato font. My system is old. And the Lato font never got updated since 2010 and that one apparantly has a bug. It either has no nbsp or it has 0 width. I reinstalled the current version and restarted browser and now I can see all those gratious spaces the itch editor inserts needlessly.
I tried this with Chrome , Firefox and Edge on Windows PC. All the same. They do not render the nbsp in the text as spaces, sotextlookslikethis. If you use copy paste to make comments or game page descriptions, those nbsp show up often. (It do see the spaces correctly with my phone with Chrome)
I tracked it down to the font used. Lato. If I change in css to Arial or Times, or even Lato serif, the non breaking spaces do render correctly. If I remove the font and let Chrome use default font and set that to Lato in Chrome settings, it does not render the nbsp either.
Very weird bug and very hard to even notice. I always thought the people writinglikethis made an error. In editor I sometims have to press space twice or even three times to move the cursor when editing, so I did not even question that assumption (might be my editor box being in lato and me not seeing spaces). In comments it is less often seen, because it does not happen when you type. But for some reason if you copy and past again, some nbsp might get added, instead of normal spaces.
Sooo, is it intentional to have nbsp in text or a side effect from editor boxes or only in editor boxes on itch?
And is my system broken or is just the font on windows weirdly missing a width for nbsp. When searching I did not find anything usefull.