Hi! I need some help. I figured I'll just study on my own instead of taking a degree for game art but I need some help from you guys. I'm trying to make my own informal "game art curriculum" which I can follow for a certain amount of time.
Basically what I need help with is constructing the "curriculum". I already put down the topics I would like to study about but I need the areas I need to study about to be more specific. Also it would help me if you guys can provide resources for the topics involved in the curriculum.
I would love to share this to other prospective game artists as well.
If you do comment on the document please include your reddit username so I can credit you properly! :D
You can check out the document here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RVgJql8hl2EZVa8c4wB-Lgflfm2DvuJp3nwvEobD-Vc/edit?usp=sharing
I've also put "projects" for each topic so that there would be outputs after the study. I also think that this would help with creating portfolios and such.