Hi all! My name is Myleah, and I'm the PR & Marketing Coordinator over at Code Coven! We've got an opportunity for developers to create a prototype with us, and get up to $10k in distributed funds for your team! You can learn more about it here: https://codecoven.co/code-coven-create-the-solstice-program-2023/
But here's the TLDR: Code Coven Create: The Solstice Program is an incubator style initiative which supports multiple small teams of developers as they create a prototype. Over the course of 12 weeks, teams will take their prototype from concept to completion. Code Coven staff will be offering scope advice and roadmap guidance at each milestone check-in.
By the end of the programme, teams can look forward to publishing a small and polished prototype to use as a portfolio piece, to approach funding initiatives for future opportunities, or as the beginning of a longer development timeline.
If you want to know more please feel free to reply in this thread, or email me at myleah[at]codecoven.co!