Those cute little monsters are also pronouns!
In this Bitsy game, explore a gallery of pixelated creatures called Promons.
They are all impatiently waiting to meet you! Want to join them? It's right this way!

Each Promon represents a gendered pronoun (he, she, they, it, fae, per, xe, ... ). Apart from being cute, the intention of the game is to showcase a variety of nice and sometimes unusual neopronouns.
Each monster has a few lines of cute/funny/quirky flavour text, which illustrates how to use its associated pronoun.
There is no actual gameplay, it's more like a Pokedex. I should also mention that this game is my personal take on Adam Saltsman's Nanodex!
I hope that you will discover new pronouns you had never heard about, and maybe try some of them for yourself! 🌲
Thank you for your attention, have a nice day! ☀️