I'm a freelance technical sound designer (sound design and implementing) who's looking for a longer term project than normal, something that is maybe a month to a few months, but this is open to change depending on the project. I'm from England so I would be on GMT (+0) and would have to work around my day job.
Game engine wise I can use both Unreal Engine and Unity. I would do my work using my preferred tools, I.E. Wwise, FMOD, Reaper. I have some experience in blueprints and C# coding. Enough to help me add audio by myself and understand how any scripting works.
Would be willing to work for nothing to gain the experience, extra work for my portfolio and for a review on myself and my work.
Portfolio: https://gamewaveaudio.wixsite.com/gamewaveaudio
Email: gamewaveaudio@gmail.com