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Expanded Party Size?

A topic by Gwazi Magnum created Jan 26, 2023 Views: 289 Replies: 1
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I'm considering buying this plugin for my own game, as it enables pretty much the exact type of gameplay I'm looking for.

However I was curious if the plugin still works fine if the Party Size is expanded to allow for more than 4 characters? Will it just work out of the box, or is there any tinkering I'd need to do to make this plugin compatible?

Also, are there certain ways of expanding the party size that play nicer with this plugin than others?

For reference, this how I did it with the engine previously:

Game_Party.prototype.maxBattleMembers = function() {
     return 10; 
Developer (1 edit)

The plugin uses $gameParty.members()

The max battle members function is not used

Edit: You control max number of battlers per map in the map configuration