Hatter Alice. Graveyard.
Graveyard. Evening, that is going into the beginning of the night. It is late time. There is forest in a far away point of view. Dark and green forest. And swamps are going there – more close to forest area. And there are fields here. And a local graveyard. Graveyard is about one hundred graves. It is more a country graveyard. Grass is at half of human size in height in some places. It is a bush. It is a deadly silence.
There is a light from a distant stars, and you can see it very good, it shines, and it give a light places to a graveyard. And there is a figure in black at the entrance. He has a hat from old centuries. He has a black coat. Wind is blowing and playing with the lower part of the coat.
Dead silence. You cannot see a face of a hatter. He has old big revolver in his hand, just like he is from Wild West. And he has a sawn-off shotgun at the belt. He is waiting for something. Just like killing some time.
Dead silence. There is no singing of birds. There is only a sky with the stars, and country graveyard with hundred of graves. Graves are old. And they have decorations in a crest form. Somewhere crests are pushed to the ground. Somewhere graveyards are in a form of a stone.
Dead silence. Hatter makes a hard to hear step forward in depth of a graveyard. Somewhere bird is croaking. But it is hard to see that bird. It is some noise, and it is a crackling somewhere, and part of a stone goes down with a noise. Just like a sand is going through your hands. Time is eating everything, just like a monster.
Man with a hat is going forward with a confident steps, into the graveyard, just like he is a watcher. Hatter stops to move. He gets his sawn-off shotgun with his second hand and directed it into the dark night. It is getting dark. Night is moving forward like a big shadow.
Hatter keeps silence in such way for several seconds. It was a dead silence everywhere. And he moves his hand down. And he brings his sawn-off shotgun back to the belt with a master`s move. Just like he has done it thousands times before. Stars were shining bright in the sky. In a good night you can see a lots of stars in the sky.
It starts a sound of a falling rock. Somewhere crow is crackling. It starts to hear a weak hiss. Revolver turns around in a light of a moon and stars. It is a big revolver. Figure turns around in a way of a revolver. So it looks like this, at last, It looks like this figure was a part of this mystical scene. It is everything like a fog, and in the end it is a dry reality. Reality of the night.
This time, shadows in the dark starts to shaking and some more shadows to appear. Strange figures with outstretched forward hands. And hiss is growing and it is more louder now. Weak cry. Aaarrrgh! It is starting to hearing some stir. It is starting to heat that someone is making a steps. Just like a whole crowd is moving forward in a way of a man with a revolver. And a moment away, it was a movement into the back of a figure. But revolver`s owner makes a turn in a right time.
But it is still rather dark. If you want to see something clear. Some steps from other side. This time from the left. And still a low sounds of a hiss. It can be some night animal. Figure with revolver makes his hand with revolver straight forward to the movement. And he starts to wait.
Steps are becoming more and more close from both sides, but it is still dark to see. It is clear, that shadows are moving slow. They are real, and they can move slow. Just like they hardly know how to walk. They are a living dead. And some primitive instincts are in their minds. Very prehistoric and primitive. And brain and flesh are heavy damaged.
Moon is walking out of a clouds and it is going to be more light. And wind starts to blow, night wind. Cold one. It is a cold of the night. Stars are giving light to everything around and it is brighter and easier to see, what is going on around. So, right now, it is easy to see green-colored figures, they looks like humans. But they move very slowly. And they are making steps, just like they can fall every second, they are doing it very badly. And their hands are trying to catch something in the air, they are trying to support themselves with making hands straight forward. And it was only an empty space. They are also looks like try to speak or move with jaws.
Figure with revolver now starts to move revolver to the left and to the right. He is measuring the distance and aiming. It is blowing with the burst of a gun. Chamber in revolvers make s a turn. It is one more big shot, big and loud. Weapon has a big feedback power. And weapon has a big impact force. After second shot, figure in black makes a step back. And few figures in a shadows are going forward, and now it is easy to see, that they are human-like creatures. But they are zombies. And two of them get headshot, straight hit of a bullet into the head. They are start to shaking a lot. And they are loosing orientation in space.
It is obvious, that taking in hands some air, and try to catch some air ahead of them – it helps them to keep going, and not to fall. Hands of two zombies are falling down. They are starting to shake a lot. Until they fall to the ground. It is going two more shots. After this, hatter turns into another side and change revolver for sawn-off shotgun. He keep shotgun at the level of belt. Make a second of waiting, he makes a shot. It is a loud big sound of a gun. Two zombies fall to the ground immediately. This time it happens at the left side.
After this, hatter makes a walk to the nearest gravestone and reload his revolver and a shotgun. At this time, zombies at the left makes a single line. They were walking from a different sides and now they are a pack of living dead. It is easy to look at them, because of moon and stars. And also it was no clouds in the sky. Little wind was blowing and blowing. It is little cold, if it will lasts for a long time, and it is a cool fresh wind, in case of it stops after some seconds.
Shots of a revolver burns the air faster and with some period of time. Than it goes a shot from a sawn-off shotgun. Hatter makes steps back to another gravestone. And again, he reloads his weapons. At last, it is two zombies behind him, at the distance of four meters. He doesn’t want to hesitate and makes two shots, and helps zombies to go to a forever dream.
Cold wind continues to blow. And some time after dark clouds to appear. And everything is going into the dark.
Tale is based on videogame Alice Killer 71 - http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/games/alicekiller71/index_eng.html