Hi, I've been having this problem with the software when starting it. After installing it logs me out without trouble but after closing it once, I keep seeing this issue: "Sanity check for unarchiver failed with code 3221225477. out =. err=". This turns the application in unusable because it means I have to keep reinstalling it all the time to be able to use it :/
I unistalled the application completly even erasing the roaming folders but still at reinstalling again the same thing would happen. I found this only post where the same thing happened (https://itch.io/t/134857/unarchiver-missing) but I couldn't see that a solution was reached, appart that the user said that he had some trouble with the firewall...
I attach here my log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iR2z3gZUzFaHm_Xf3lW-god3fPUnxFHq