I have been working on a project for a few days now, and I think I really found that one. That one I never thought existed, or was always just outside my grasp.
I've written a portable, dynamically typed, interpreted language that is embedded into Unity. I have up to functions and return values completed, inclusively.
The main goal is a multiplayer programming game with a palatable entry, and infinite skill cap. The gameplay is kind of in the rough right now. It's really just a programming language embedded in web GL, lol. I will be reiterating on it pretty heavily over the next few weeks, so feedback will have a huge impact on the overall final product.
I am going to write up some documentation/examples tomorrow, and finish up classes. Then approaches the time to QA test the crap out of the language and test out some game concepts/ideas. The game aspect is still a bit illusive. Programming feels like a game to me. If you want to learn how to code, know how to code, or just enjoy games with a good purpose, keep me on your radar :).
Some (not all) of what I'll be working on:
- Classes and Inheritance: finishing off the language
- Saving and loading scripts/libraries
- Test cases: will serve as documentation examples, scripts available to use in game, and clean up error messages
- Better syntax highlighting, auto complete, and formatting tools: Text editor upgrades (UI will stay pretty prototype-ish at this point)
- Prototyping game design
- Community building
I could use all the help I can get. I would appreciate it if anyone would be kind enough to give me some feed back, check out the dev log, and if you're very adventurous, help! I need documentation, someone to manage a discord/social stuffs, and plenty more not involving programming. If you want to support in any way, and are passonate about spreading knowledge, I'd love to work with you.
You can find me on discord Mike#4144
I have a discord server, but I do not feel comfortable trying to grow it without a moderator. I'm always heckin busy! If you have any experience in that realm and don't mind a slow start, please do reach out on discord :).