LootLocker is a plug and play, cross-platform, game back end.
Features of LootLocker include:
- Achievements
- Collectables
- Crafting (Coming Soon)
- Energy
- Heroes & Classes
- Leaderboards
- Mission
- Progression
- Triggers
This asset you are purchasing is a Playmaker integration. It doesn't yet include an entire implementation of the LootLocker API. The key features of this asset implement the following "white label" (signing up or logging in with email address or username) LootLocker Features:
- Player Signup Sign in (to save player data in the cloud)
- Leaderboards (with or without metadata)
- XP and Progression
- Key/Value Pair Cloud Storage (create your own player attributes you want to save)
Here is a list of every Playmaker action included in this asset:
- CheckWhiteLabelSession
- End Session
- StartGuestSession
- StartGuestSessionWithStringIdentifier
- CheckActiveSession
- InitNewConfig
- GetMemberRank
- GetScoreList
- SubmitScore
- SubmitScoreWithMetaData
- GetPlayerName
- GetXpAndLevel
- SetPlayerName
- SubmitXp
Player Storage:
- GetSingleKeyPersistentStorage
- UpdateOrCreateKeyValue
- WhiteLabelLogin
- WhiteLabelPasswordReset
- WhiteLabelSendVerificationEmail
- WhiteLabelSignUp
LootLocker has many features not implemented yet in this Playmaker Integration. If there is something missing that you want, comment on this page, or reach out to me in the lootlocker-playmaker channel in my discord: