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[Narrative] [Writer] Writer looking to jump in on a game jam

A topic by zach roush created Aug 01, 2022 Views: 270 Replies: 4
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Hello! My name is Zach Roush. I'm looking to get started in writing for games. I've a ton of experience as a copywriter (i.e. I understand deadlines) and I have my own sci-fi and fantasy fiction newsletter:

I'd love to work on narrative-driven games, but happy to work for any project that's a good fit. I'll write dialogue, lore, diegetic material, characters, etc. 

Thank you for your consideration!

It's not for a jam but I'm looking for a writing partner to complete a special project in time for august 6th. It's an audio augmented reality experience and I want to use rpg mechanics to get people interacting with their real environment in a location-based experience. Let me know if you're interested.

That sounds super interesting! Do you have more details? What kind of writing do you need? Are you okay with working in very different time zones? What's this project for?

Do you have a discord?

Yes! Zach R.#3373