Hey hi!
Just released my game STAR JAR for free here: https://ottomaddox.itch.io/star-jar
It's pixely arcade chaos masquerading as a dawn simulator, with lots of naturalistic squishes and squooshes, and a few vaguely mysterious end-game variations. Drone-y chiptunes, even. A veritable recipe for a harrowing midday nap.
The project started as an experiment in Scratch to teach kids about the value of randomness in games. Eventually I ported it to Gamemaker and added lots of adult themes like collecting jars and sleeping through the sunrise.
Gameplay vid, if you're so inclined:
I've updated the build a few times since the initial release to incorporate some helpful suggestions I got on reddit n' stuff. Would love any additional feedback/crit from the itch community!
Thanks so much for taking the time to check it out!
-hexcavator- / @bryinlyin