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Dima Link 3d theme

A topic by DimaLink created Jul 27, 2022 Views: 1,817 Replies: 40
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Skor 2048 – jet atomic tittans

Three dimensional stage for today based on videogame WipeOut for system PC MS DOS. It is futuristic racing game with bolides from future. Game appeared in a moment of transition from 486Dx2 to first Pentium. And it was with freeze with 486Dx2 machines. And you need certain Pentium. Game was with very strong three dimensional graphics. It has a cool music. It is something like second Need For Speed. But about fantastic three dimensional racing.

And this is my three dimensional scene based on. Class of racing bolides Skor 2048. A big strong engines. And jet speed. Its own racing tracks. Every racing format has a dreams about to have all of these.

Jet engines, it is possible with atomic engines. Or any kind of these direction. Almost any kind of constructions and a big speed. Bolides themselves are very huge. As a steam locomotive  from 19 century.  Powerful monsters on wheels. But here they are flying like avengers.  In 19 century steam locomotives were huge monsters steel beasts about size. And you can say it is modern analog of them, about power and size. And that’s why they ride along a monster size roads. About a wide. And they need a time to turn. Speed is big. That’s why roads are so huge. Titans roads. And a very long tracks. But they fly across for a few seconds. So, it is extremely above limits speed for planet Earth.

So, it is a certain time to start a space race with same bolides. And it is no doubt a next step. Next format for future racing. SkorKosm 2048 it will be already at the orbits of different planets. Earth and Mars at first, as a main event, as most developed space regions. Moon as a satellite of Earth. And Phobos and Deimos as a satellites of Mars. Future world – today! As a new processor, new engine, new level. New height. Earth-Space.

It is a pictures style of WipeEout (WipeOut in different regions it has a different titles). Speed and futuristic. Low poly models. And racing. I guess, it had electronic music. At least, I see it for my pictures. Of course, electronic music, dynamic. Something like remixes Eurodance from 90s. I think it will be allright. Turn on and lets race! 

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.





Little elephant in summer

Summer! My Summer! Speaks little elephant! An he runs fast to a water, some pond. So, it is good to wash and swim there. And feel fresh water, get fresh in a summer day! Water is something like refreshing, little cold! And sun is hot! Birds are singing! So little frog says - kwa kwa! Hello, little elephant! Elephant is standing in a pond so good, and feel fresh. His paws are in water. So good it is here! Speaks elephant! So good, to have summer every time! And it is good to have a good weather for everyday!

Little elephant is running around the water. And with a trunk he washes himself. Wow! So good! So, refreshing! And then he runes next, he has some thing to do. To play with little animals. Little elephant is also learning in school. But today he has a day off. And tomorrow too. And day after tomorrow – he will wear a glasses and he will learn programming with basic.

And today he has a free time. To sit in a grass. To run with friends. Play computer games! And to learn a forever question – a what place a river goes? With little frog elephant is learning – what plays river goes. Last time they walk to the deep place. They walked for a long time. And came. And they see a dark water. Wide river. And frog start to swim. And little elephant was a little scared. And what, if it is too deep there? Today they will go another road to explore river. So, it has a shallow water, speaks frog. Elephant will like it. And they will go for a long time! Until the evening. And at the evening they will go to a rabbit. For a cup of a tea. So it is a good place there, to turn across the field, and you will be straight at rabbits place!


Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.





Little friend clown with a bicycle and a chickens

Three dimensional scene for today based on celebration, bicycle, chickens. I was busy for several days. And as guest, to my place, a clown has come. He is my little friend. Funny human. He is a funny clown. He come to my place with a bicycle. For the celebration. And also, with him lots of chickens has come too. Everyone is tweet. They are having fun. And celebration takes several days long. And I don’t take into account how fast time goes!

Chickens were running all over the place. And they were having fun. From sunrise till most evening time. Until they don’t go to sleep. Friend was running with a bicycle. He invites me to his place. He speaks that it is not far from here, to go to his place with a bicycle. He has a funny hat. And he is having fun.

Celebration is about several days long. It is a longer than normal. Because of I have such funny and interesting friends. Time runs fast.

“Looks what a bicycle I have! By the way, do you want this kind of bicycle? I have in my little house one more! I can give you it as a gift! Today it is a celebration, anyway.” - said little friend

Chickens, they a whole pack runs at me, and they start to jump at me. And runs here and there. And all day long, I try to tell them that they do not need to jump at me. But they find this thing a very funny. And one chicken gives me as a present a funny book with pictures. It has a little sun at the book. And it is written about chickens. He shows me a certain page. 

And it is just written - certain way - chickens likes to jump at anybody, at everybody. They like to jump. So, you do not need to interrupt them. Just in this time one chicken jump at my head.  And I try to take him off from my head about a half of hour. He runs all the time. And jumps back.

My friend clown, by the way, was having fun. He doing a celebration fir trees with decorations. And he was playing very good with chickens. Of course! He has a friendship with them for a long time! And he knows how to speak with them. My friend clown likes to tell a funny tales and he smile every time. To tell a different funny tales. About a places, he visits. He also a clown adventurer. And in a celebration day he will come again. He will run with his bicycle to this place again. With whole pack of chickens! As a guests!


Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.





Lizard at the stone

Three dimensional scene for today. Based on lizard and a country house. So, look, a lizard came to a water. And lizard runs at the stone. Lizard goes through a bushes and a grass. And sit comfortable at the stones now. Sunny day only begins. So good to sit at the stone. And near – it is a water. There is something like a good refreshing cold. You can drink a little of water. And so good summer. Everywhere it is so hot weather. Birds are singing. Grasshoppers in the grass. Very different bugs. Some of them are friends to the lizard.

Lizard is sitting at the stone. And lizard is watching about what is going on here. It is river to flow. A wind makes a grass to make some noise. It is so exciting about a thing that summer only begins! And ahead, there are lots of summer days! Lizard can sleep here at the stones. Water makes a calm noises. And it is so good to sit here.

And it is also idea to jump at the stones and see where the river leads. Maybe, it is something interesting! Some kind of a little wood. Or big stone.

Except the picture itself. I can to remember a game about a frog – Frogger. There were also a three dimensional games. Something like Frogger 3D. For example. You need to jump as a frog over the wood, to cross a river. So, I start to think here, it can be a simple videogame about a lizard, that is traveling across the river. Jumping by stones. For example. And maybe even lizard can swim. To have some cool idea, for imagination a little.

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.





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