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Create creatures and let them evolve to see how they master various tasks. · By Keiwan


A topic by Keiwan created May 06, 2018 Views: 12,460 Replies: 119
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If There Are Two Bones Not Connected And You Attach A Muscle Between Them They Stretch To Infinity And Beyond

That is to be expected, because the AI would try to contract and stretch the muscle, but because there is no limitation whatsoever, it would just go wonky

also i have made a muscle monster it is so horrifying that is breaks its own bones

Can't place down joints and it won't switch to any other tools except for move and select. Not to mention, the list doesn't really work, either.  Naming the creature doesn't work as well. Basically just absolutely unplayable.

if the creature moves fast enough the camera won’t follow

The Web Build Just Crashes When You Click Play


I just checked and there seems to be a problem with Safari. I'll look into it. Are you using Safari or a different browser?

opera gx


The issue I noticed should be fixed now. Can you please try again and see if that was the same problem you were running into?

hey i have a bug where randomly the creatures will just stop spawning, i have no idea what causes it

Deleted post

try this:



(1 edit)

In mine, my creature sort of coils it's leg around a spot, somehow dislocates it, and as it uncoils, it launches it 10+m into the air, covering 20m in 2 seconds, or 10m/s.

this is dumb :  just test it...

Downloaded the latest windows 10 version and the creatures aren't reproducing to keep the population the same as the starting pop. Not entirely sure if this is intentional or not but it results in there only being a single creature after 50 ish generations.

Even after 5 generations the parents are weeded down enough that no real progress gets made afterwards


The number of creatures is not decreasing, but they are slowly converging towards the exact same behaviour, so it looks like there are fewer individuals (since they are perfectly overlapping each other). I have seen this happen with certain simulation settings, so try changing the mutation rate, mutation algorithm and recombination algorithm. Are you using "Chunk" as the mutation algorithm by any chance?

Um so I used to be able to download on Windows for free, did it like twice before, but now I have to pay $2.00!?


The easy-to-download binary is now priced to support the developer. The source code is still available in the GitHub repository linked on the page and you can build the game for free from source, requiring a Unity build and some dependencies to do so, although I do agree that making the executable paid is a bit bothersome for most of the users. Keiwan explained this change in the game’s latest changelog

Oh i get it, thanks for the inf

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