Crystal Adventures is a solo tabletop rpg game ispired by The Dark Crystal and Diablo.
READ CAREFULLY: Before playing This project was translated with an automatic translator. I tried to fix a few sentences, but I know that translating the document is not enough. You will currently receive a text-only google drive document. But over time I will work on layout and add graphics. I am a small Italian indie producer, I have been writing games since 1990 and I have published more than thirty titles in Italian. Some also in English like Cartooner, Trapped or My Fantasy.
I would like to use all the money I will receive in donations to try to make an English version of the game when it is officially released. I don't know if I will be able to do that. I don't want to do a kickstarter or crowdfunding because it's too much work for my current life, but slowly and steadily I will get to have a graphics and layout version of this game and maybe even a print version on Amazon.
Thank you for your patience. I want to share this wonderful solo adventure with you. Play it savouring every moment you experience, don't be in a hurry to reach the ending.
When you open this book you are immediately thrown into a new world.
You hear a voice in your head telling you that for astral reasons the Blue Crystal has chosen you and you are now its Keeper.
The power in this world you are to explore lies in the Blue Crystal, the beating heart that guarantees peace, harmony and prosperity. But over the centuries it has been struck again and again by corruption and those who wanted to exploit it to their advantage. Until the Corruption penetrated the Crystal's purity and purple streaks began to alter its power and the Blue Crystal exploded into dozens of fragments.
What remains of the Blue Crystal and its will is now contained within your body and it will be up to you to restore it to its original form. Only then will you be able to open the Portal between the two worlds and the Blue Crystal will return to provide peace and harmony for the world as a whole and you will return to your life.
For playing the game: Get a deck of playing cards (Joker of two color included), four six-sided dice (two eight-sided dice) and four counters (tokens, tokens, pebbles,...)
You can help this project by sharing your game diary in the community! I am waiting for you: