Hi, I've recently submitted 2 Ludum Dare 41 games on itch.io: (https://oneseedfruit.itch.io/death-road-to-mcgamkedonalds) and (https://oneseedfruit.itch.io/beet-farmer).
For both submissions, under "Pricing", I've set to "No payments", and "Visibility & access" set to "Public" with "Unlisted in search & browse" unchecked.
I'm not sure what have I been missing, but both submissions are not listed. Not in "Recently added" (https://itch.io/games/newest/tag-ludum-dare-41), not in searches either (https://itch.io/search?q=mcgamkedonald's) (https://itch.io/search?q=beet+farmer). While games that were submitted as recently as minutes ago have appeared listed and can be found when searched, like (https://97torvic.itch.io/towerlouder).
I've checked the games I submitted over and over again and I can't find anything that may cause them to be unlisted and I'm lost.
May I know what did I miss? Thank you!