Good for mystical game
Mystical music for videogames or another projects.
Thematical music.
"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible"
Arthur C. Clarke
Author`s work. About everything that is mystical. It can be a medieval fantasy, stories about vampires or techno horror. Music pieces are made about this theme - Mystical. Mystical 1. First compilation by author. It is so-called X-Files. In this famous tv-series there are a lots of different kind of mystical events. Starting with vampires and witches and goes to aliens, radioactivity and mutants. Very big scale of mystical events. As it was said by famous science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke - "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." And this is true, there is emotional perception, and logical. Logic - gives science and technology. Emotions - artistically vision. Also, this is about sense about some mystery, unknown. Not every time it can be scary, but it is something unknown. About this concept ideas are based tv-series like “X-Files” and “Project Blue Book”. UFO, witches, radioactivity, vampires, monsters created by science or unexpected results of experiments. All of this has some perception. In art vision, author tries to connect very different kind of mysticals and to create author`s audio tracks.
This music, created by author, is for very big scale of usage. In different projects, computer games. And also in direct way - in horrors, mystical pieces, thrillers, atmospherically moments. But, in a main way - anyway! Main idea - it is sounds good for situation. Author don`t try to fright somebody. This is only author`s vision, about authors theme. So, it can be used anyplace!
In some way it is gothic, electronic, rock. It is tribute to tv-series like “X-Files”, “Project Blue Book”. It is idea to get closer to mystical quest game Phantasmagoria. But in author’s way.
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