Dahlia has lived in the dollhouse for years with only the mute rabbit Wisker as her companion. The owner one day decides to present her with a new friend to keep her company; Huxley. a sad clown puppet. They become fast friends, but it soon becomes clear that playing favorites between them can only lead to trouble.
https://karmic-punishment.itch.io/dont-toy-with-meA 15k word branching story with two routes and several CGs to collect, Don't Toy With Me was originally meant to be a NaNoRenO project but wound up taking me two months to complete. Way too late for the game jam, but still a labor of love I wanted to see through to the end! I plan to write up a devlog talking about the process and my mistakes as a solo VN dev soon. For now, I hope people enjoy the result!
(Also please mind the content warnings on the Itch.io page! It is a horror game after all.)