hello everyone, I would like some help, I been thinking for ages that I should or find away to make something about my dreams.
I can remember over 100+ dreams most of them are lucid and I think it would be fun and awesome to share them and make it as a game.
it would have/be
and many more you can think of.
i like to dream but i think its time to let people know about my dreams!.
do you have dreams? what about?
i will tell you about one of my dreams.
"it was pitch black and then suddenly, I am awake standing in my room, then I walk out the door and past the toilet,
next minute, a bad guy called:shadow man, awakens from the toilet area, I run!, but he is too fast, he is super strong like superman,
and he pulls me away from the next door, then put me back on my bed and screams at me!, and everything goes pitch black and shadow man laughs"
I usually have that same dream, I got used to it, I know what to do if I see him again and I know what to do!.
I am not scared of my horror dreams, well at least not the same old ones, you could call me conquer of dreams.