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Background application getting worse!

A topic by GuyOnDR0G created Mar 09, 2018 Views: 328 Replies: 1
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It may only be running 3 times now, but one of the tasks takes up 50 MB of memory?
1% of CPU, as well. One percent may not seem like a lot, but on some computers that can add up, even on a gaming computer! 

Please fix this, it annoys me to go to TM every day to see this.


Hey, I'm going to close this topic since we already have this one:

Our app is a web browser in a shell so it's always going to  be using some amount of memory. We're releasing a new version of the app in the near future that moves much of the file management to a more efficient background process that should address some of these issues, but it's hard to predict real world performance until it's out.


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