Hi Leafo,
In the game jams I've run, I've been quite happy with the average (both mean and median) number of ratings each game receives. However, currently - regardless of how many ratings a game has received - the rating will be brought down if it's below the median.
I'm sure you can see how this wouldn't make sense if I was satisfied with say 10 ratings per game being required for a non-adjusted score, but the median is 20 and all games below the median (but above 10) still get significantly adjusted downwards.
Thus, would it be possible to use a manually-set 'minimum ratings for no adjustment' instead of the median?
On a related note, it would be super useful to be able to view a list of all the entries sortable by least number of votes! I know there's currently a list there for games with <10 ratings (so it seems the functionality is already there!), but if a game has received 10 or more ratings, it's hard to distinguish a 10-rating game from a 30-rating game (which is even more of a problem under the median-based adjustment system).
This would really help for the multiple game jams I run here each year. Thanks :)