UI Elements in Unity
(by Faustine)
The Unity User Interface (UI) system offers a variety of built-in elements and components that may be helpful while you are creating your games! Here is a list of some major UI elements in Unity.
Play around with them and check out their different features and components!
- As the name suggests, buttons allow you to create interactive buttons in the game! You can use them to create menu buttons or to represent any action done via a single click/tap.
- Notes:
- Connect to functions from “On Click ()” under the Button Component in the inspector (inspector > button component > OnClick()).
- Transition Types (color tint, sprite swap, animation) determine how the button looks when clicked on or disabled.
- Automatic navigation may cause your button to stay “clicked.” Turn it off to remove that effect (This may affect button interactions with controllers 🎮).
Text (TextMesh Pro)
- Text (TextMesh Pro) allows you to create text for things like titles, labels, and descriptions in your game!
- Notes:
- Why we recommend TextMesh Pro (TM Pro): unlike normal text, TextMesh Pro stays crisp at any size and includes many additional options for customization.
- You can import your own fonts through TextMesh Pro font asset creation.
- You can explore the different formatting options, including the “auto size” function (note that auto size may incur performance costs)!
- To edit TextMesh Pro text in code:
- using TMPro;
- TextMeshProUGUI example;
- example.text = "whatever you want here";
- using TMPro;
- Images can take in sprites (source images) to display them! You can use them to make menu backgrounds, displays, profiles, and more.
- Notes:
- What are panels?
- You may notice something called “panels” when you create UI elements in the scene: they are just images! The image components on panels are preset to some specific values, and may be convenient for creating menus and displays.
- What are panels?
- Sliders are used to represent values that are within a certain range (for example, from 0-1), such as volume, text speed, and text size.
- Notes:
- The sliding direction can be adjusted in the slider component: it can be left to right, right to left, bottom to top, and top to bottom.
- The "min” and ”max" values are what the slider knob represents at each end of the slider area (0-1 normally).
- Check the "whole numbers" box to slide up in whole-number increments.
- "Value" returns the value the slider knob represents.
- Toggles can be used to represent values that can be switched on or off, such as full screen or windowed options, mute or unmute, stonks or no stonks.
- Notes:
- "Is On" adjusts whether the toggle is switched on/off.
- The visuals of the toggle are children of the Toggle game object, you can customize them as needed.
- If you have mutually exclusive options (such as a multiple choice question with a single answer), toggle groups may come in handy.
- Toggle labels do not have a built-in TextMesh Pro option, you can add one as needed.
Input Field
- Do you want players to be able to name their in-game pets? Input fields are the way to go. Players will be able to click on the box and type in information.
- Here’s some information on how to access text from a TextMesh Pro Input Field.
Dropdown Menu
- Dropdown menus allow players to select from a list of predefined values. For example, the player can select from a list of supported languages for the game.
- Here’s how to create a dropdown menu and access the value.
Scroll View
- Can’t fit everything on screen at once? Use a scroll view! It is conveniently built-in, and is made up of a few components, including scroll bars, a scroll rect, a mask and an image.
- You can use scroll rect/scroll bar by themselves
- Notes:
- The mask component in the scroll view hides game objects that are outside of the view port (the box on screen)
- masks can be used in other contexts as well (such as in health bars)
- You can toggle whether it supports vertical or horizontal scrolling
- Consider using layout components in the Content child object (Scroll View > Viewport > Content) to organize the content in the scroll view:
- Content size fitter: if you need objects to scale according to the number of objects present
- Vertical/horizontal layout group for things to distribute evenly and stay aligned
- The mask component in the scroll view hides game objects that are outside of the view port (the box on screen)