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<3 Fuck ISIS: The Super Patriotic Dating SIM <3

A topic by karlee created Feb 21, 2022 Views: 486
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Hey friends! Just released this Twine game I wrote. It's sexy and funny and satirical! 

Play as Elodie, a 19-year-old CIA super spy. As one of America's most ruthless agents, you’ve been assigned a deadly solo mission: infiltrate and destroy ISIS. Besides the whole “super spy” thing, you’re just a normal American girl… who’s really horny. Give these fuckers an American ass-kicking, and maybe learn a bit about your body on the way. Just remember the #1 rule of the CIA: always ask for consent.

Hope it's fun! I'm totally interested in feedback if ya'll get a chance to check it out. THANK YOU! Have a great day!!!