A great evil stalks your parish. It changes shapes, forms, and faces at will; no one would believe you if you told them, but you know it is there. And you know what you must do.
Yes, sometimes you’ve had… lapses in judgment. But do not entertain doubt, for doubt is the greatest weapon in the Adversary’s arsenal. Focus instead on what you need to do your righteous work: clarity of vision and the will to act.
That, and a sharp f***in’ axe.
Ever wanted to be Donald Pleasence in Prince of Darkness, Bill Paxton in Frailty, or even Father McGruder from Dead Alive? Now's your chance. Pick up your dice and something to log your hunt, then dive into evil with this one-page solo RPG.
But be wary: your zeal is as much a liability as an asset, and you may find that apparently supernatural events have perfectly mundane explanations... and doubt may bring you down before any devil ever could.
Keep your mind sharp and your axe sharper, Priest. The hunt begins now, and it only costs one dollar.