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Rhythm Rush! VR (ALPHA DEMO)

A topic by KFriskeStudios created Feb 08, 2018 Views: 297 Replies: 1
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I've been working pretty hard on the beat detection and reader. In this game you will be able to input any of your own music! (.mp3s, .wavs, and .oggs) Then choose one of three different game modes! (Slasher, Dodger, or Shooter)

I need some feedback on the beat detection and the design overall, but keep in mind: This is a very early build! It has no in game menus, it will just throw you right into the 'Slasher' mode with preset songs. I removed everything else because it is not finished and isn't needed at this point. I only have a Windows Mixed Reality headset. That in mind, I think it will work just fine with the HTC Vive, but I am not sure about oculus. Please let me know if it works for either of those. EXPECT LITTLE BUGS.

Hit the beats with the corrisponding sword based on the colors (red or blue). It does not matter in what direction you will hit it from (However that will be added later as an option) You don't have to worry about cutting through a blue to get to a red or being marked down for it. The game doesn't care if you cut through a blue to get to a red, but the blue will not go away when you do this unless you also cut it with the blue sword. The game does keep track of your swinging, so if you spam swinging, you will lose your combo and multiplier. Also, make sure you are swinging pretty hard because the game will not count a wimpy swing.

Press both menu buttons to recenter yourself Press both touchpads in to skip a song (It will randomize it as you hold)


Looks great, I put it in the fresh games section on the homepage.