Hi, I am One Billion Conveyor Belts and I'm looking to be part of a project!
I am an electronic musician and I make several different genres of music, ranging from techno to ambient to trip hop and dystopian/industrial dark electronic music! I would love to contribute new music to an upcoming game and work to create a great experience! If you would like to take a listen to some of my music , I will include links below. Links are also available on my itch.io profile page.
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/madrigalmusick
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEPxDTIWj12bizU6puJNgPg
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7fV938lleVcNJ8ev64Ow3Z?si=y7mT8rxuRjaOlD0upNcQxg
Again, thank you for listening!