We've made a basic materials pack for Unity URP to get you up and running with your 3D Scene. if you wanted to get rid of the Bland Gray material when starting out your projects this is the best way to bling up your scene with some variation in material. All these materials are created inside of the Unity Shader Graph and hence require no external asset to work.
Link to the Itchio Page - https://void1gaming.itch.io/free-basic-material-pack-for-unity-urp
List of Materials -
- Simple Aluminium
- Simple Chromium
- Simple Gold
- Simple Iron
- Simple Matte Plastic Blue
- Simple Matte Plastic Green
- Simple Matte Plastic Red
- Simple Mercury
- Simple Platinum
- Simple Shiny Plastic Blue
- Simple Shiny Plastic Green
- Simple Shiny Plastic Red
- Simple SIlver
- Simple Titanium
- Simple Zinc