Hi all, If this is a repeat question then I do apologize.
I am creating a small Learning management system for my students(free) and want them to be able to access it online. I am using Twine/sugarcube/windows10.
Since I am totally new to this domain and how to use it I have a load of questions.
So here we go. Thanks
1. Where can I find information about uploading and downloading?
2. Will my project work on phones as well as PC?
3. Since my project is free for all to use and does not have any pay option is this domain really stable?
4. The options in Sugarcube for saves will be important as students can stop study and pick up where they left off. Will these features still be available?
5. I have played a few games here. and see that they were downloadable. Are all games downloaded only? or can some of them be played online as well?
6. How complicated is the uploading process for myself?
That's about all I can think of for now. As this is still a new project.
Its a English learning system for CHinese college students. It will have Reading, key words(matching), fill in the blanks, videos, and possibly an option to send homework to me via email. I wonder if all this is possible.
thanks and happy new year
- D