Demo Is Now Available! Click here to download it!
- What is it? -
The Intruder is a stealth horror game where you play as a child named Jimmy who woke up in an abandoned factory unsure of how he got there. However, some dreadful foot falls can be heard in the distance and Jimmy does not want to stick around to find out what lies in wait. The Intruder is inspired by games such as Faith and Five Nights at Freddy's using a style similar to what you might see in Atari games.
- What is the objective? -
Your objective is simple. Avoid your enemies by sneaking and hiding and find the keys needed to get out of the factory. Of course, as is normal with these kinds of games, there is optional objectives and hidden secrets that will help piece together the story and lead you to a better ending.
- Who Are The Enemies? -
There are three floors to the factory. A 1st floor, a second floor, and a basement. Each floor has its own enemy but I will only talk about the enemy on the first floor. The Masked Man. He will search, he will find, he will chase, and he will kill without remorse. The Masked Man will patrol around looking for you, if he spots you he will give chase. The only way to lose him is to break line of sight and hide. Not only can he see you, but he can also HEAR you. You have three levels of movement. Sneak, Walk, and Run. Each one will generate a different level of sound and move Jimmy at a different pace. Sneaking will help you reduce noise when walking over debris or moving through doors. Running will help you gain distance from your enemies but will generate lots of noise, especially if running through a door or over debris. If your enemy hears a noise, they will go to investigate it.
- Is There Anything Else To Aid Your Efforts? -
There are security monitors you can use to see the camera feeds around the factory. You can use those to scan around the floor you're on to find a safe route, find your enemy, or maybe even find that pesky key which has been eluding you. There is one security room per floor. Just be sure to watch your back while you're distracted. ;)
- Why Are You Making This? -
Inspiration struck. I also wanted to do it as a way of learning and practicing basic enemy AI since its a subject that has kept its secrets a mystery to me. Until now. My goal was to make an enemy system similar to the retro Metal Gear games, and I think I achieved something relatively close if not exact.
- Why Is It Called The Intruder? -
Its one of those titles where the meaning is not readily apparent and requires you dig into the story. Think of it as an incentive to look for all that secret stuff.
- How Much Is Complete? -
Uhhhh... I'd say around a solid 50%. Most of the gameplay is in place and only needs tweaking. The rest is building the environments, testing, and placing in the extra stuff. I might even release a demo, but I'm still on the fence about that one. I'd probably have the whole thing done within a month, if not then definitely next month. Assuming everything keeps going as smooth as it has so far.
- What Kind of Feedback Are You Looking For? -
Just answers to some simple questions.
1: Did you complete the demo?
2: How long did it take?
3: What difficulty were you playing?
4: Did you get a game over at all? If so how many tries did you do?
5: Did you try the other difficulties? If so, did they seem fair?
- Got Any Social Media To Follow? -
Absolutely! I have a twitter account @dargsy and a gettr account. I also have a public developer discord which you can join for free. I've mainly only talked about my main project on twitter and have recently made the getter account so its a bit sparse there. You can also keep up with development in those places.