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A topic by Frostery created Jan 08, 2022 Views: 491,922 Replies: 73
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Where can I download the mods?

Developer (1 edit) (+7)

So far this update is pretty fresh and there aren't many. Our discord has some simple ones though.

so whats tha discord?



hello plz Discord

im confused now that you say that

Bro, I can't access it. It says the link has expired. You could help me by sending the link to me, so I think it works. My discord tag:Caju#3818. Maybe creating a business on telegram will work. I don't know, please help me if I'm still alive with this account in hand 


Can u help me too dude? Exactly the same problem. All links in this thread are expired for me.

it works still you can click too it's not expired yet

but of it says no I'll resend right away.

hey can you resend? it expired

it still works 😭 maybe y'all need to update on smth

but here

Why doesn't it work? I don't get it. My account works on everything else EXCEPT this link.

Is there another place to download these mods?

Im not sure actually, But I can't help sir.


bro you are not 18

It actually works, but I had to create a new account. Probably the old one was blocked, I haven't used it for several years, though.

El link ya no funciona, puedes pasarlo de nuevo? Te lo agradecería un millon

Me dice que ha expirado me pueden invitar? Discord: adrii_07

Hi, send new discord link pls :)

could you add me to the discord channel? Here my id "pizlaz.6655". I can't join, because the link always said "the link expired" or something else. My picture was a "pink rice cooker". Thanks 🙏🙏

Hi, can you send me the link please? 

can u unban me?

Can you make a website or something like that for mods. Because the discord server doesn't work.

NOTE: If you want to skip over my lengthy ramble and get right to the point, scroll to the bottom until you see the next bolded text!

This is a decent enough request, though I doubt it'll be integrated. I'm not terribly familiar with this game's development history, nor whether or not it's still in active development or not. In any case, players of games really need to understand just how much added work it is for a developer—especially an indie dev, who likely has a team of maybe one to five people working on their game, and typically each individual has a very specific portion of the game that they're in charge of, eg. art, music, design, code, etc.—to even add mod support to their game, let alone create and supply the players with the necessary tools to make and distribute those mods.

That said, there's are tools that can make the job simpler, and when a game is designed from the very beginning to support modding, the amount of added work is relatively small. The main hurdle is that the tools which devs use to design their games are usually either a) licensed (meaning, the dev paid for the right to use it) third-party (meaning, created by another company) tools which can't be legally redistributed to the players, as they're only licensed for the development team themselves, b) developed in-house (meaning, the devs of the game created the tools themselves), which are typically finicky, buggy, ugly, hacked-together tools that require a high degree of technical knowledge to use and are designed with very specific purposes in mind (meaning, they're difficult to use, usually have practically no documentation, and are made with the sole intention of them being utilized by the team for specific aspects of the game design). Sometimes, this isn't the case, and the tools used are free and open-source, in which case they are usually much more player-friendly. 

Of course, all of that assumes that we're talking about modding more complex than a simple texture replacement. A lot of indie devs will get around this problem by making use of scripting engines for their game code—though, that's not the only reason they do this, and I'd even argue that the choice to use scripting languages for games is often not based on the fact that it makes modding easier, but rather that it makes development easier. Popularly, Lua is frequently utilized for this purpose, but many games will also use JIT C# scripts, or any number of other scripting language. Unity games are more likely to go the C# route or the Lua route, though. 

In any case, back to the topic at hand: distribution of mods. This gets really tricky, because you're talking about the developer of a game that very likely is a passion project with negative profit margins; which is to say, if we compared the cost (in development time, eg man-hours, and money, eg spent on tools, assets, advertising, ) to the amount of inward cash flow the product generates, many indie games won't even manage to break even, instead starting technically in the red for their entire lifespans. Game development is not easy, it's incredibly time consuming, it's logistically difficult, and the competition is so fierce that most indie games are lucky to see even a small amount of sales, and those sales rarely manage to offset the project's costs. For all of these reasons, when you ask for the developer of such a game to not only build and provide the game itself, but also develop, manage, and host (and pay for that hosting) a website or webservice which allows the distribution of mods... yeah, that's asking for too much. 

NOTE: Rambling over, the rest of this post discusses solutions.

With all of that said, I've seen some very clever solutions to this. The most obvious solution is to make use of a third-party service, such as or Nexus Mods, but these sorts of services often have strict rules about content, which can be a problem for adult oriented games, like the one we're discussing. The most clever solution I've seen to this problem is to make use of GitHub repositories for the hosting and distribution of mods. While GitHub does have content restrictions, they're often much more lenient and less restrictive. Even better, if you adjust this concept of "any git repository hosted on GitHub" to be "any git repository," you can now include even self-hosted Git repos (such as Gitea, Gogs, Bitbucket, etc.). 

The way such a system works is absurdly simple, at least from a developer's perspective; it's also incredibly straightforward to make use of from a player's perspective, too. You simply include a git library with your game. Mod installation is done via the user providing the URL for a git repository. The game then downloads the repository and updates are done by simply synchronizing the repository. All your game needs now is a basic UI and a manager to handle this process and you've solved the problem of mod hosting. 

The only instances where this might not work is with games that rely on mods including copyrighted content, such as rhythm games. For example, this wouldn't cut it for a game like Rhythm Doctor, because hosting copyrighted music is a dangerous game that sites like GitHub have zero interest in engaging in. For games like that, no pre-existing service is going to be open to hosting that sort of content. 

In any case, to summarize, there's a very good set of reasons why you see indie devs relying on Discord for their modding community. It is, admittedly, extremely annoying and provides a less-than-stellar user experience. It requires users to join their Discord community, which may prohibit some players from engaging with mods at all. It's a shame, because using Discord for mods inevitably increases the friction for players and makes players less likely to bother with a feature that likely required significant effort to develop. 

It'd be nice if more devs would try out imaginative solutions to the problem, though, rather than just throwing their hands up in the air and saying, "Well, what can ya do? Discord it is." Modding is, after all, once of the best ways to guarantee the longevity of your game, as it instills a sense of ownership within your community and gives the game a much longer shelf-life. Just look at Skyrim (horrible game IMHO, but to each their own) or any other game on that engine: people STILL play those games to this very day. Why? Because of the mods!


Open a telegram account.

Ссылка на приглашение не работает. Можно скинуть новый, если это не сложно.

sadly the link doesn't work but I want to look at the mods (Translator used)


copy and paste the link into discord, worked for me

where do I paste it?


frosty the snowman

Deleted 190 days ago

hey I can't join the discord and could you of if i am banned un ban me please bc I got hacked

me puedes dejar un enlace de donde bajarle mods al juego? esta bueno :)


There Brown can I talk to you

The mods won't work for me, they either wont load into the game or just wont work entirely


it won't work for me either

So Im on Android and I  downloaded a ton of mods and none of them work. Like the folder shows up on the thing but it won't load into the game mod selection

Can you install mods on Android? as?


yes, just go to the discord, download a mod, go to the app, go to the mods menu, load, and most likely, it's in the downloads file, and look for a .zip with the name of the mod, once you have it enabled, go to the main menu, it's gonna reboot, reopen the app, and it's ready!

what if that still isn't working?


Link to Discord doesn't work

Can some one tell me how to get mods please

Donde puedo descargar mods


En discord hay están los mods 

When I create the mod and everything it doesn't apear in the game, no matter what I do it doesn't work :( (poorly english)

Can you update discord link? I cant join, cause link has expired


Send link

All the ones I clicked on said "Whoops unable to accept invite"

Can you send a new link please? All these previous ones are unavailable

discord link pls

discord link pls

pls Discord

discord link pls

Could you send the server link again please?

my username is vidala on discord

Can you send a new link please? All these previous ones are unavailable

At this time is there more mods?

Where i can download mods? Please I have been searching for a long time.


Is there any chance that you will remake the debug menu mod?

heyyyy, discord link pleaseee

All discord links I have found for this game are unfortunately dead, and I would love to get a new one so I can join

My Experience, I got the same problems, Accepting the invitation doesn't let my enjoin in Discord so many times and so many invitations links, So I try to see if it a Thing in my discord Acc, and I find that Discord Account had to Parental Control as predetermined and need to know How old are you. becouse the Group has parental control protection and I don't put your age so the invitation doesn't work.

can I have the mod files please send me all of them

Does anyone have the Discord link? The others here don't work