Hello there,
i would like to do this post for the new year, presenting the project behind TronusGames and wishing a cool Year for you. Hoping for nice times...
Firstly, i'm an indie videogames developer that want to focus the whole project on ethical purposes. This means that most of the behaviours, collaborations and themes will have a direction regarding a more consciousness of the world where we live, trying to decrease the exploitation of beings, situations and behaviours.
Regarding me i just studied by my own few game developing things and then frequented a course regarding videogames programming.
At this moment i published 2 games: The Last Planets, an infinite run, physics based game playable Online and Offline for Android,
and Project Aethia, a fantasy, parkour, puzzle game demo made with some great people that made mostly of the work.
At this moment i'm working on a new project, that i will share soon.
Well, the last concept to write is that if you just want to watch out these projects you can click on the TronusGames profile and take a look at them. There are also other links to other platforms.
In the end, thanks for reading this post and have cool and nice year... Tronus.