Whenever I open a save file from the gallery, it glitches out and displays things incorrectly such as the "Touch" and "Grab" icons showing up when they're only supposed to show when you click the effects button. Not only that but when you click on the effects tab, the options appear way too big and you cannot change this at all.
Beautiful pictures, I know.
"Bouce 2" is spelled incorrectly too and it would be nice to have a way to adjust how much you want the camera to move with the "Cam. Move" option, because sometimes it moves either way too fast or way too slow. And a better way to make ellipses + erasing them one by one would be cool too.
EDIT: I forgot to mention this, but the settings from the Effects tab doesn't even save what you already had. If you open up the save file, the settings you made earlier are gone and they revert back to default.