By landing on this page you just agreed to play this wondrousgame!
Feel the happiness growing in your heart!
Alright, let's talk about this masterpiece.
First of all, there's a really important thing you must know: this game is difficult easy.
I'll repeat that again in CAPS, and after a carriage return.
It's so difficult easy you don't even have to click anything.
You can play the entire game just by moving your mouse.
Have I already said how difficult easy is this game?
Pretty, quite, really, very difficult easy. (Please, take a moment to appreciate the alphabetical order of those adverbs.)
Oh, what about the goal? It's rather simple:
get rid of the golden bars.
Touching a moving silver bar with your cursor will make the golden bar beneath it disappear.
Or appear.
So, why is this game called "I'm not even mad"?
Because an old legend says that it'll drive you mad.
But don't believe those legends.
They're just a bunch of male Bos taurus waste.
I think I'm forgetting something, but I'm sure you'll figure it out.
It's just a matter of time... 😉