This game is a simple snowboard game using simple shapes to make up the game.
The goal of the game is to reach the end of the track as fast as possible and receive a gold trophy for every track. There are clock items that reduce your current time when collected, various hazards on the track to slow you down, and moving enemies. Falling off the track or getting hit too many times results in a fail. You can turn left and right and can speed up or down.
This snowboarding game allows you to build up a large speed for faster times, but it makes your character harder to control. It is also easy to fall off the track because there are no boundaries on the edges of the tracks.
By receiving gold on every track, you can be proclaimed to be the best snowboarder in the world!
This is a picture of a track in progress. The spheres on the track are enemies and clock collectables. This track has two jumps. The blue cube underneath the track causes the player to fail the track upon contact.
This is a picture after falling past the track boundary (the blue cube) and the restart screen listing trophy times and current times. The restart button restarts the scene/level. For now, the main character is the gold sphere - the main character has not been modeled yet.
This is a picture of gameplay. The left number is hp and the right number is current time. Shown here, the main character is sliding down the slope.
As the game development progresses, there will be more updates.