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Darque's Ledger: Five Scores for Blades in the Dark

A topic by Bannerless Games created Oct 29, 2021 Views: 151
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Darque's Ledger

Hi folks! I've put together five complete Scores for Blades in the Dark. Each Score has patrons, prizes, NPCs, complications and clocks -- all you've got to bring is the crew. It's free/PWYW, so take a look and let me know what you think.

A summary of the scores:

  • Darque's Libertine: Doskvol's oldest and most scandalous theatre entices and repulses audiences from all walks of life. If you want the goods, you'd better put on your best performance yet.
  • Monster's Ball: Barrister Templeton's annual Monster's Ball features elaborate masks, a multi-table séance and the host's pride and joy: a clockwork zoo of animated, taxidermied creatures.  And here's you, without an invitation.
  • Strangers on a Train: When they're out in the Deathlands, the trains of the Imperium are a nation unto themselves -- a nation rife with intrigue, secrets, and seduction. All aboard.
  • Through the Keyhole: Doskvol's most secretive (and expensive) pleasures can be had at The Keyhole, Silkshore's upscale brothel. But beauty is skin deep; the beastly goings-on beneath are one quick cut away.
  • Taking Stocks: Most crews steer clear of Bluecoat watch houses, but you're not most crews. Pull off a successful job on the law's home turf and your crew will be proper legends -- assuming you don't get thrown in the clink.

Pick up Darque's Ledger: Five Unofficial Scores for Blades in the Dark here.